Product Analysis Report

Added in Version 0.31 Overview In this article we’ll describe how to run the Product Analysis Report. Run the Product Analysis Report Open the Main Menu and scroll down to REPORTS Click Product Analysis Report Input the report filters: Start Month – In the format MM/YYYY No. of Months Salesperson – Optional Product Read more…

Price List Report

Overview The Price List Report can be used to print a list of product pricing for a certain zone. The report can run from Products (current pricing) or the Product Worksheet (future pricing). How to run the Price List Report from Products Open the Main Menu and scroll down to CONFIGURE Click Products Click Read more…

Sales Dashboard

Overview In this article we’ll explain how to use the Sales Dashboard. For information on setting up the KPI’s for the Sales Dashboard, please see this article. How to open the Sales Dashboard For System Admins and Sales People, click the Sales Dashboard button on the Home Dashboard. When a Read more…

New Customer Report

Overview In this article we’ll explain how to report on new Customers in the system. How to run the New Customer Report Open the Main Menu and scroll down to REPORTS Click New Customer Report When the report opens, a report filter screen will popup Input the date range you would like to Read more…