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  • In this article we’ll explain how to use the Asset Service Report and describe the service mail out and service emailing functions.

How to run the Asset Service Report

  1. Open the Main Menu and scroll down to REPORTS
  2. Click Asset Service Report.
  3. On the filter popup input:
    • From Date and To Date – This will pull all asset data that requires a service between those dates (it will filter on the Service Due Date).
    • Asset (Optional) – Filters the Asset column in the report.
    • Notes Filter (Optional) – Filters the Notes column in the report.
    • Region Filter (Optional) – Filters the Region column in the report.
  4. Click OK

The report will display the following:

  • Service Due Date – Date the Asset should be serviced on.
  • Assets – Asset to be serviced.
  • Notes – Asset notes.
  • Last Service – Number of years since the last service.
  • Mailouts Sent – Number of mail outs sent to the customer.
  • Emails Sent – Number of emails sent to the customer.
  • Region

How to generate a Service Mailout

  1. After running the Asset Service Report, click Generate Service Mailout.
  2. In the Mailout Options, choose the type of customers to include and if you would like activity logs to be created.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The system will generate a CSV file with the data from the report.
  5. Import this CSV into your mail out system (ie: Microsoft Word)

How to send Service Emails

  1. After running the Asset Service Report, click Send Service Email/s.
  2. In the Email Options, select the email template.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The system will send an email, using the email template, to all customers with an email address and add an Activity Log for each customer.

NOTE: The email template must have Data Source of Asset Service Report.

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