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  • In this article we’ll explain how a Salesperson can take the Sales App offline.

NOTE: A System Administrator is required to configure the system before Offline Mode can be used (more details).

Switch to Offline Mode

  1. Open the Sales App.
  2. Click Go Offline on the dashboard. NOTE: This requires an internet connection.
  3. The system will download the Offline Data Pack.
  4. Once the download is complete, the system will reload into Offline Mode.

NOTE: If this is the first time offline, the system will download additional Data Packs containing Hot Water Thermal Data and Product Data.

Switch to Online Mode

  1. Open the Sales App, while the system is in Offline Mode.
  2. Click Go Online on the dashboard. NOTE: This requires an internet connection.
  3. If data was modified while offline, the system will upload the data to the server.
  4. Once the upload is complete, the system will reload into Online Mode.

Offline Mode Data

The data will be filtered for the salesperson’s leads/quotes only and for the date range of 1 week in the past to 1 week in the future (2 weeks in total).

  1. Leads
  3. Customers (for the Quotes and Leads above)
  4. Activity Log (for the Customers above)
  5. Sites (for the Customers above)
  6. Products (defined in Settings)
  7. Tariffs
  8. Savings Calculation Data (for the Default Weather Location in Settings)
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